Innovative planning, social building: Creating sustainably oriented living spaces.

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Neighborhood friendly

Urban housing is more valuable than ever. Despite all the challenges, we can manage to maintain social diversity and the vibrancy in our cities.

We live in a time when housing in metropolitan areas is becoming increasingly cramped and expensive. We want to counteract the gentrification trend and bring modern living quality back to the broad middle of society: With contemporary living spaces that everyone can afford. This includes space for individual development and social interaction.

Contemporary architecture puts people and their surroundings back at the center of planning. This includes making the best possible use of natural light, the use of naturally healthy sustainable materials and unrestricted mobility for all residents. The open spaces should also organically complement and enrich the urban movement space.

Easy access to attractive urban opportunities forms the basis for an optimistic attitude toward life. The modern home is complemented by the livable neighborhood: With good public transport connections and quick routes into the countryside or to local amenities in the neighborhood.



In every new housing project, as well as in our existing properties, we keep the complex ecosystem in mind. AUVIDIS makes a strong case for a healthy climate.

With our efficient use of space, we are far ahead of privately financed housing construction in terms of in terms of climate technology. As early as the planning phase, we exploit all and innovative technical possibilities to minimize overall emissions over the life cycle of the property.

In order to build in an ecologically more sustainable way, we reduce the so-called gray energy in the construction of a house. construction of a house. Calculated over the life cycle, this accounts for around 50% of the total energy. Thanks to innovative building materials, for example the use of recycled concrete, lightweight construction or heat-absorbing materials, we can make the gray energy significantly greener – even when refurbishing existing properties.


Networked via digital planning tools. Process-oriented through lean organization. This is how we guarantee resource-saving, time-effective project management.

The use of model-based planning methodology (BIM) in project development helps to avoid planning errors and cost-driving supplements. All parties involved in planning are integrated into the building model: This ensures efficient planning and coordination processes – with high content quality.

Modern production methods enable the prefabrication of building elements in high quality. These industrially prefabricated components not only reduce construction times. Construction work can be carried out more productively and cost-efficiently overall thanks to lower labor intensity.

Our idea of serial refurbishment follows the “Energiesprong” principle: By prefabricating refurbishment elements - such as facade systems or building services components, existing buildings are given an “energy update.”

By consistently using a digital infrastructure, we are able to digitize more and more processes and automate work steps. We focus on our core business processes and use outsourcing to improve our cost base. The result: a very competitive cost structure in management.



Promote the Future of Housing: Sustainable & Social Housing. As a project developer and portfolio holder, AUVIDIS offers profitable investment opportunities for institutional and private investors.

Sustainability pays off: Help achieve climate goals. With your investment in subsidized housing, you contribute to achieving environmental and socio-political goals. In line with the European Union's Sustainable Finance Action Plan.

With your investment, you benefit from a transparent investment model with low risk and high social relevance.

of all tenants
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are theoretically entitled to publicly subsidized housing.

efficiency potential
0 %

Approx. 63% of residential buildings in Germany were built before the first Heat Insulation Ordinance came into force in 1977; they offer the highest efficiency potential.

building renovation rate
0 %

The annual building renovation rate must double to at least 2%, for the “CO² reduction path” to be successfully implemented.
damit der „CO2-Reduktionspfad“ erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann.

less greenhouse gases
2/ 0

To achieve the climate targets, greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector must fall by around 2/3 by 2030 compared to 1990.


“Our contribution to urban society: modern housing, subsidized and sustainable, as the nucleus of vibrant neighborhoods.”

Frank Preuss, Executive Board

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